

Feed additive ( box )

Zeolite is 100% natural mineral, which contains unique complex of scientifically verified natural sources of antioxidants, which harmlessly flushes out free radicals and restores the body natural equilibrium.
Detoxifies and deacidifies. Suitable for breeding, sports and leisure horses.
Prevents many deficiencies and illnesses.When add to feed or water, it helps for efficient digestion of food and full utilization of the essential substances.
Helps protection and regeneration the liver,kidney and intestines. Strengthens immune defenses. Relieves chronic conditions. Strengthens endurance and musclestrength. Helpsfor quick recovery after exertion. Promotes coat care and reduces theaging process. Improves overall health.



10 g per day for 3 months prophylactic and detox
15 g per day for 4 – 7 days in case of colic, bladder infections, laminitis etc.
30 g per day for 1 – 3 days in case of colic, bladder infections, laminitis etc.

In barns and stalls

In barns and stalls, “foul-smelling gases latch on to dust particles that have a positive molecular charge. Zeolite molecules have a negative molecular charge, so they act like magnets to attract dust particles, thus helping clear the air of odors as well as dust”
Trainers have found that placing an open-topped container of zeolite near stalls helps to absorb odors and dust in the air.

Because zeolite absorbs liquids, the minerals do not become slippery when wet, which is an important safety feature in any structure that contains wood floors or solid rubber mats. Zeolite’s absorption capabilities also create efficiencies when cleaning out stalls; it is not necessary to completely dry out facilities when using zeolite as the mineral absorbs moisture and odors upon contact. To control odors between cleanings, zeolite can be sprinkled on observed wet spots or excrement.

Recommended dosage is 0,5 to 2 kg/sq.m per week.

This is truly detoxifying mineral.

Zeolite is nontoxic to staff and horses; it does not cause harm if it is ingested, touches the skin, or comes into contact with the eyes. The mineral is “nonflammable, environmentally friendly, and can be safely handled around water and feed with bare hands, which is especially nice for those who suffer from chemical sensitivity.

Over the past three decades, researchers have examined how natural zeolites can reduce ammonia levels in environments occupied by horses. Veterinarians have linked ammonia levels to equine respiratory diseases because of the stress it places on reparatory tracts and mucous membranes.

Trap ammonium in the zeolite molecule, both internally as a dietary aid and environmentally around the facilities.

Ammonium (NH4+) in liquid and solid wastes is constantly undergoing conversion to ammonia gas (NH3). Zeolite controls odors and vapors by absorbing moisture from waste and adsorbing the ammonia produced by microbial activity on the liquids.

In 1995 it was examined that the accumulation of atmospheric ammonia poses health risks to horses and contributes to equine respiratory disease.
The study found that the degree of damage in respiratory tract is associated with the concentration of ammonia, and that ammonia has a direct effect on the exposed cellular surfaces and cilia of the respiratory tract. The researchers concluded that ammonia is one of underlying factors linked to the onset of respiratory disorders, particularly in cases where horses are in transport vehicles for extended periods of time.