

Zeolite for water activation ( PET flacon of 400 ml contains 200 g product )

Zeo-Body-Aid: The zeolite activated water stabilizes the immune system, supports stamina and optimizes the blood pressure. The restructured water is an excellent tool for the neutralization of the free radicals. It cleans the organism by regulating the digestion processes taking out toxic and harmful substances including radioactive ones. It helps for normalization the exchange of the lipids, proteins and carbohydrates as well as reduction the level of the total cholesterol.

The zeolite activated water stabilizes the immune system, supports stamina and optimizes the blood pressure. The restructured water is an excellent toolfor the neutralization of the free radicals. It cleans the organism by regulating the digestion processes taking out toxic and harmful substances including radioactive ones. It helps for normalization the exchange of the lipids, proteins and carbohydrates as well as reduction the level of the total cholesterol.

The content of one 200 g package is poured into 10 liters of spring water. The water isrestructuredin 12hoursthenthe water is ready for consumption. When the 10 liters waterare consumed, a new fresh water is added. In the beginning when the zeolite is add the water becomes slightly dull, which is normal. After several hours the water becomes clear.
This 200 g portion of the mineralcould be used for 3 months then it should be changed by a fresh one.
The water is suitable for everyday drinking in unlimited quantities for people over 10 years old.
It combines well with all medical means as a tool for prophylaxis of oncological and viral, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, bone and joint diseases.
It cleans the organism from heavy metals and radioactive elements.
The zeolite packingshould bestored in a dry and protected from sunlight place at a temperature up to 30oC.